" Our profession is five hundred years old and, therefore, has neither more nor less reasons for pride or complaint than any other, including the most prestigious socially. Professions are conceived as instruments for transforming knowledge into useful services for society But this meridian relationship is inevitable to change when factors as important as technology or the way wealth is generated and distributed change as radically as they have in the last forty years."
Antonio Garrido Hernández. "Building Engineering, a new title and a new time"
Keynote Presentation CONTAR T09
When the idea of analyzing the production of Technical Architecture in Spain arose, we started from the vision of the two worlds that come together and complement each other: the professional and the researcher. In this lies also its wealth and strength. We are a profession, with a long tradition and an even more promising future. As the writer Concepción Arenal says “ All things are impossible while they seem so ”.